Our Board of Directors
The Board of Directors, a dedicated group representing our community, is responsible for establishing the direction of the Foundation and providing guidance and support to the fundraising efforts of the Foundation. The Board ensures that the MGHF meets its fundraising objectives and provides dedicated stewardship of donor gifts.
Elise Nesbitt
Jean-Christophe Bédos
President & CEO of the Foundation
Stephanie Riddell
Jonathan Elkas
Julie Denis
Adam Adamakakis Gail Adelson-Marcovitz Kim Anderson Daniel Baer Jean-Christophe Bédos Cristina Birks Dominic M. Costantini Sophie Cousineau Dr. Liane S. Feldman Ann Lynch Judith Ménard Patrice Ouimet Andrée Pinard Yvon Roy Sharon Stern Nathaniel Thomas Peter F. Trent Sebastien Vilder Niki Zaphiratos |
David Bensadoun H. Jonathan Birks Richard Cherney Ronald Collett Peter Coughlin Dr. Gerald M. Fried Cynthia M. Gordon Jean-Guy Gourdeau Jean-Rene Halde Jane Hope Gail Merilees Jarislowsky Scott B. Jones Hubert Lacroix David L. McAusland Andrew T. Molson Eric H. Molson Bertin Nadeau John Peacock Dr. Tarek Razek Mark L. Smith J. Robert Swidler Ivan C. Velan Michel Vennat Nancy Wells |