Do you long to create a lasting legacy? Planned giving is a simple act of generosity, a timeless investment in the future. Your contribution will be a beacon of hope, touching countless lives.
We stand ready to guide you in choosing an option that aligns seamlessly with your life so you can move forward with confidence on this meaningful journey.
- Making a legacy gift is a very personal decision. We respect your thought process, take the time you need.
- Your choices and privacy will always be respected.
- You may choose to let us know you have made a legacy gift. This information helps us plan for the future.
- Your gift will be managed carefully so it has the maximum impact on patient care and innovative research.
- You have the right to change your mind about your legacy gift at any time in the future.
Our Charitable Registration Number is: 119000974 RR 0001

The energy, drive, and devotion of the doctors who work at the MGH inspires me. And I know they need us to help them do the best job they can do. Donors are the bedrock of our hospital. Leaving a legacy gift to the foundation – perhaps a gift in your will, insurance policies or personal assets – is a wonderful gesture. And you will know that you are supporting the community you care about – long into the future.
Paul Daoussis on his brother Gerald’s legacy

My brother, Gerald, had the philosophy “If you have the means, you don’t keep it to yourself – you give it away.”
He and his wife felt they were lucky, and they wanted to help people who hadn’t been as lucky as they were. During their lives, Gerald and his wife supported many things – in the Greek community, in the church, and organizations that supported women in times of need.
My sister-in-law left most of her estate to charity – including the Montreal General Hospital Foundation. I’m proud to say that Gerald felt just as strongly about helping others – and he named the Foundation in his will, too.
He didn’t really mention it too much, even on all the days we spent feeding squirrels in the park next to his senior’s residence on Victoria, where he lived for the last two and half years of his life. So, I didn’t know how much he gave until I saw the details in his will he had arranged with his lawyer some years before.
That’s really something for the son of a shoeshine boy – who came to Canada alone when he was just eight years old. Our parents taught us about helping others right from the time we were young.
It’s a good feeling to know that something positive will come about because of someone you love. I’m proud of my brother. I miss him. And I’m glad that through his gift, his legacy of love for our community will live on.

Leaving a legacy to the Montreal General Hospital Foundation means you will be a part of new discoveries, new innovations, and all the benefits patients of the future will then see.
The lasting impact of Michèle and Philippe Stora

Madame Stora and her husband were passionate about the things that make life sweet.
They worked hard all their lives to build their dream. When she moved to Montreal from France, Mrs. Stora had saved $2,000 in her bank account, and that was how the couple started up the family business.
When Mr. Stora became ill with diabetes and heart disease, it ignited a new passion in her – health and medicine.
Mrs. Stora became devoted to donating to medical research, especially to honour the memory of her late husband. She was very keen on helping people recover from their illnesses, knowing how difficult it is to have a loved one suffer with poor health.
For this reason, she arranged a gift in her will so she can continue the legacy of her and her husband’s love of life.
Their wonderful gift will ensure medical advances will continue to allow more people good health and the chance to enjoy some of the sweet things in life.
The “Michèle et Philippe Stora Distinguished Scientist Award” will be given every year in perpetuity to support the outstanding achievements of one of our leading physicians.
Every year, thanks to the generosity of donors like Mrs. Stora, more than 80 Research Awards are awarded, providing funding to brilliant, dedicated and deserving research candidates.