
The Injury Prevention Program

The Injury Prevention Program’s goal is to decrease risky behaviour and traumatic injury. It promotes prevention through collaborative partnerships, presentations, workshops, kiosks, campaigns and community events. A new website, Code Trauma, was launched in 2020.

By making people aware that most accidents are in fact not accidental but actually preventable, people may exercise more caution when making daily decisions. Young people make up only 10% of all licensed drivers, yet they account for 25% of motor vehicle crashes.
Tara Grenier, Injury Prevention Program Coordinator

High schools from the Greater Montreal area are invited to partake in an educational tour of the Dr. David S. Mulder Trauma Centre. The tour includes interactive lessons given by medical professionals, ranging from physicians and nurses to medical technicians, who encounter cases of traumatic injuries on a daily basis. Students are privy to the trajectory of the trauma patient through simulation and a tour of the Trauma Bay, the CT scanning area, the Operating Floor and the Intensive Care Unit.

In order to group the programs offered under a single platform, the Code Trauma initiative was established. The Code Trauma website targets both youth and educational institutions, and offers information on trauma prevention and the reduction of risky behaviours. Young people can view videos and gifs, read blog posts, take quizzes and watch testimonials from survivors.


Visit the Code Trauma website

To date, the award winning program has recruited some 200 student ambassadors, in partnership with the Longueuil  Agglomeration Police Service and the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec. The objective is to continue growing this initiative in the future by offering it to more schools in more districts with the goal of saving more lives and changing attitudes toward risky behaviour.